© 2000 - 2021 Copyright. Richard C. Slade / Soul Solutions for Life - spiritual, intuitive and meditation facilitator. Please do not reproduce written or audio materials without expressed written permission. All information on this web site is considered spiritual self help only and should not be considered any form of medical or health care advise. Personal empowerment, spiritual life skills and self management strategies, spiritual growth and self development, intuitive development and guidance, life purpose and soul mission, soul journeys and past life remembrance services are considered experiential spiritual education. As a spiritual, intuitive and meditation coach, adviser and facilitator, I offer consultations and sessions in Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, WI. 608.237.6577. See important disclaimer >. Thank you.



Intuitive self healing is a most useful and practical skill to develop. Whether you wish to heal the body, emotions, thought processes or aspects of your life, intuitive healing can help. As you open the eyes of the heart and immerse there energies into the inner or third eye, you are naturally able to learn to receive inner guidance of the higher self.

Healing the mind and body is an energetic affair, empowered through visioning and feeling. It brings you to the realization that you are more than the body, that you are a soul that is energetic in nature and does not need to be limited by the perceived rules of ourworld. These rules are principally upheld by group think or mass consciousness, and no longer need to be adhered too. This suggests what has been perceived as the miraculous in the past, can now become the ordinary and usual. Challenges of the mind and body have the potential to be overcome. Although there are many other ingredients that can affect the outcome, the potentiality for inner alchemy remains true.

When we are able to hear the driving voice behind a particular life challenge, we are able to discover its purpose for being. Once its purpose is revealed we are able to uncover and relinquish the original causes of the problem. On the other side of the challenge, we discover love. Once embraced, love assures our permanent liberation. Through this process the mind and body gently restores the natural balance of the system. This can happen rapidly or more usually occurs in small incremental steps over a period of time.

Over the years I have had the pleasure to observe numerous people transforming their lives through intuitive healing processes. From transforming life challenges, to physical ailments, emotional problems and many more. As a teenager I was told that I would be wheel chair bound by the age of 30. This was due to a birth defect in my lower spine. Although I suffered discomfort and always treated my lower back with care, I decided that the suggested outcome would not be for me. So over time I worked through the many issues I held emotionally and mentally in my lower back, until I was free of the daily pain.

Over the years my lower back has become stronger and stronger. I continue to treat it with care, yet the process shows me that an inherent physical challenge can be lessened or overcome through the healing path. Whether you consider this fact or faction, it matters not. The notion of mind over matter and the intuitive healing process has produced phenomenal results for myself and many other people.

Another powerful example I became apart of, was a person who was about to have back surgery. She could barely move around on her feet. By happenstance I spent an hour working with her. She uncovered several powerful emotionally charged past lives, deeply held in her spine. By the end of the session, she slid off the table with no further discomfort or pain. She explained to me that she had visited these issues twice earlier in her life. This suggested the healing process can sometimes take decades to occur. In fact she went on to cancel her operation and has been in great shape ever since. The irony is that she is a well known figure in the medical establishment of New York.

It is important to mention that by law it must be said that intuitive healing is in no way a substitute for medical intervention. Intuitive healing can be looked upon as a powerful self help spiritual tool, which can support your conventional medical healing.  

Over the years, I have been continually reminded that the answers to life's trials and tribulations always lie within. Follow the inner voice of your higher intuition and let it lead you along the perfect path of least resistance to healing and wholeness. The key seems to be, listen to your loving inner guidance, rather than the voice of someone else, who in most cases are not going through what you are.

To find out more about intuitive healing sessions, intuitive guidance and psychic readings, please call or email today. Learn more about spiritual intuitive consultations - Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, WI.


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Intuition . Intuitive Guidance . Intuitive Healing . The Way Of Intuitive Healing . Intuitive Readings


Exploring intuitive and psychic guidance, growth and development - psychic readings with Richard Slade. Other interests include intuition, channeling, intuitive healing, intuitive coaching, intuitive coach, psychic healing, guides, angels and guardians. Discover the insight and clarity you have been seeking for those critical life descisions.